I Work From Home. Does That Change Home Insurance?

There are a lot of ways to make a living in Milford, PA, and these days, working from home is fairly common. If you’re in that group, you might not have considered how your work arrangement impacts your home insurance needs. That’s why we at RH Worthington Group made this little explainer for you.

What You Need To Know

Working from home comes in a lot of varieties, and the nature of how you work from home really determines the answer to this question. Let’s consider a scenario. Say you work as a paralegal, and you get a few work-from-home days a month where you don’t have to go to the office. On those days, you use your own devices to get the work done. You don’t have any special equipment or anything for the job. It’s just another day at home, but you’re doing remote work.

In this scenario, your home insurance doesn’t need to change at all, and that’s because the nature of your work is not changing your liabilities or assets. No one comes to your house for the sake of the business. You don’t hold onto any equipment or inventory for anyone. It’s straightforward, and many, many work-from-home positions fit this bill.

Still, there are other scenarios, and they can change your home insurance. Let’s consider scenario two, where you keep inventory at your house. A lot of sales positions might go this route. If you keep inventory at the house, that changes the assets that you need insured, and that could impact your home insurance.

A different work-from-home position might end up having everyone from the office piled around your dining room table to catch up on a big project. More than a few small law firms have gone this route over the years. In this case, you’re having people over for the sake of work, and that raises your liabilities.

Consult With Us

In either of these cases, you need to have a talk about your home insurance with your RH Worthington Group representative. You might need to increase the insurance on your Milford, PA, home. You might instead look at small business insurance plans. It’s very case-by-case, and that’s why a conversation goes a long way.